TV Moms and Dads - New School Moms Round 2
TV Moms and Dads
They raised us! These are the moms and dads that we've all looked to over the years for advice, mentorship, and love. They've been our models for how to parent (and some of them have been our models for how NOT to parent). We've laughed, cried, and loved with them. But who's the greatest? There's only one way to find out. VOTE!
New School Moms
(1) Marge Simpson v (9) Beverly Crusher
729 episodes of being an amazing mother to Bart, Lisa, and Maggie (and Homer most of the time, too). She’s talented, wise, and has the scratchiest voice around. She’s a parental, spousal, and fashion icon of the highest order. Being the matriarch of the longest running tv sitcom of all time is no small feat.
She’s a single mom, she’s a fantastically successful physician. She’s gorgeous. And she always gets the job done. What more can she do? The only knock on Beverly Crusher is the fact that her boy is a little bit of a whiney baby.
(12) Lucille Bluth v (4) Marie Barone
Being the matriarch of a wealthy and powerful family is no easy task, especially when all of that wealth is taken away and your husband is put in prison. And your kids are idiots. Like, super idiots. Who would begrudge you a drink or ten?
We’re not sure if Marie should go in the Mother in Law Hall of Fame, or the Hall of Shame. She’s the cautionary tale of all cautionary tales - never live next door to your in-laws! Still, she loves her boys deeply and only wants what’s best for them. Of course, only SHE knows what’s best.
(6) Peggy Hill v (3) Claire Dunphy
While so many of the characters in this bracket live in perfect houses in perfect neighborhoods, the Hills are simply normal. Peggy raises Bobby with what she considers to be an iron fist, but it’s really an oven mitt. She and Hank chose to raise Luann as their own as well, and Peggy, always one for a challenge, rose to that one too.
Is Claire a little intense? Sure, but wouldn’t you be if you were the one that had to control the madhouse that is the Dunphy family? Played by the fabulous Julie Bowen, Claire maintains a level of composure far beyond reasonable limits.
(7) Joyce Byers v (2) Lorelai Gilmore
At the end of her rope, with two boys to look out for, what’s the saving grace for Joyce Byers? Demogorgons. And a no-good sheriff with a heart of gold. Even with people dying all around her (RIP Bob), Joyce becomes the mom she was always meant to be.
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